“Bored” Games

AAA Mid States

Your vacation is planned, your car is packed, and you’re ready to hit the road. During long drives, both a driver's alertness and their passengers' patience can eventually drift. 

Playing games alleviates boredom and can help keep the driver's brain in gear, too. Most car games can be adapted to suite the age-range of passengers and some can even be played by drivers embarking on solo trips.

I Spy - Someone chooses an object in the car or in the distance and says..."I spy with my little eye something beginning with [insert the first letter of the word]. Players take turns to guess what's been spied and the winner gets to choose the next object.

Yellow Car - Race to be the first person to spot any yellow cars on the road. Shout "Yellow car!". No points are collected. You are a winner or a loser for each 'spotting'. 

Fast-Food Fun - Each passenger choses a different fast-food chain an collects a point each time they see that restaurant or an advertisement for it on the road.  The person with the most points by the end of the journey wins.

License Plate Letters - Try to make a word out of the last three letters of the license plate of each car you follow, keeping the letters in order.  For example, SND could make "send" or "sound".  If you want to get competitive, longest word wins!

Who Am I? - Each player is secretly assigned to a famous figure and must guess who they are, using only yes/no questions.  If you get a "Yes", you get to ask another - a "no" gives the next person a turn to ask about who they are, until the winner guesses correctly.

Shopping List Challenge - Player one names an item on their shopping list starting with "A". Player two must recall this and add something beginning with "B". Players take turns each at remembering the whole list, right through to "Z". If it gets too easy, try doing it backwards!

No, I'm Not A... - Someone chooses a word and gives a rhyming clue. Ex: "I rhyme with boot but am not a chute".  Players guess by asking a question: "Are you a musical instrument?". If wrong, the first player should rhyme a reply. Ex: "No, I'm not a flute".  This goes on until the correct word is guessed or passed.

A-Z - Each player races to be the first to spot something from A through to Z outside, going in alphabetical order.  Each object can only be claimed once, so players have to be quick to shout out when they spot something new!

Song Association - Someone starts by singing a line from a song. The next player must sing a line from a different song that starts with the last word from the previous line. This goes on until someone gets stumped. The last successful player gets to start a new round.

Find It First - Someone picks an object they might expect to see on the journey and everyone competes to be the first to find it.  It could be a model of car, an animal or type of building. The person who spots it first gets a point and gets to pick the next object.

Need help planning your summer road trip? Contact your local AAA Travel agent at 1-800-222-1469 or stop by your local AAA office.