All Drivers Can Help Maximize Motorcycle Safety


Motorcyclists can face a rough road. More than 4,500 motorcyclists died and 92,000 were injured in crashes in 2014, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, but motorcyclists can celebrate safety every day with these tips:


Take it from the top. Helmets are about 37 percent effective in preventing motorcycle deaths and about 67 percent effective in preventing brain injuries, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. According to NHTSA, 59 percent of motorcyclists killed in 2013 were not wearing helmets in states without universal helmet laws, compared to 8 percent in states with universal helmet laws.


Gear up. Don’t stop with the helmet. Wear other protective gear, such as gloves and motorcycle pants, when you can.


Get visible. Position yourself in the lane where drivers can see you. Keep your lights on, wear bright colors and use reflective tape, even in daytime.


Follow traffic laws. Use turn signals for every turn or lane change. Combine hand signals and turn signals to make your intentions even clearer. “Lane-splitting” is illegal in all states except California.


Motorcyclists don’t have the physical protections that car drivers have if an accident occurs. Drivers can do their part to safely share the road by keeping an eye out for motorcycles, particularly between the months of May and September, when more motorcycles are on the road.


 Drivers can:

  • Check mirrors and blind spots before entering or leaving lanes of traffic and at intersections.
  • Signal before changing lanes or merging with traffic. Even when signaling, allow enough time to determine the motorcyclist's intention before you proceed.
  • Increase following distance behind a motorcycle, providing enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.


Motorcycle insurance is available through AAA. For more information, call your local AAA insurance agent, or visit your local branch.

or call toll-free 1-800-222-1469.