One Year Until REAL ID Implementation Deadline

AAA Mid States

Many of our members have asked questions regarding the status of REAL ID in Pennsylvania. I’d like to try to clarify some concerns related to this topic. Beginning October 1, 2020, you will need a federally accepted form of identification to board a commercial, domestic flight; visit a secure federal building; or enter a military installation that requires a photo ID. 

For Pennsylvania residents over the age of 18, this means obtaining a REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or photo ID, or another form of federally-acceptable identification (such as a valid passport, military ID, or a number of other acceptable forms).  Pennsylvania has issued approximately 200,000 REAL IDs so far, and PennDOT expects 1.25 million total residents to opt for a REAL ID before the deadline next year. 

Federal regulations require that PennDOT must verify the following documents for a customer before issuing a REAL ID-compliant product:

  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of Social Security number
  • Proof of all legal name changes
  • Two proofs of current, physical PA address

If you already have a passport, you can certainly get a REAL ID, but TSA considers a current passport acceptable identification for boarding an aircraft. If you have a passport or passport card and want a REAL ID, PennDOT recommends that you wait until your next renewal to get one and avoid the initial rush.  A standard PA state license is still acceptable for driving and general identification purposes.

I hope you have found this information to be helpful. For additional details on REAL ID, please visit or